Comic Book Review: Doctor Tomorrow #1- Tomorrow Today
By Nolan P. Smith
I am a massive fan of Valiant Comics- and I have been for a long time now. So when Valiant came roaring back a few years ago, I was all in. X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Divinity, Savage- there are so many amazing titles from the publisher. With Doctor Tomorrow, we get a brand new hero to enter the Valiant pantheon- but is this new hero ready?
From Alejandro Arbona with art by Jim Towe, we get thrust right into the action with the Valiant heroes taking on a new threat, Hadrian. But it quickly cuts to some baseball practice between teenagers Bart Simms and his friend Gretchen. Simms has a somewhat troubled family life, with a dad who is gone all of the time and having lost his mom already. But when a stranger falls from the sky, Bart and Gretchen come face to face with Doctor Tomorrow-who happens to be a Bart Simms from a different reality. Who or what is Doctor Tomorrow? Why did he leave his reality? Can Bart become the hero he is destined to be?
This book has a very fresh vibe to it, and rightfully so. A brand new hero, an original supporting cast, teenagers trying to find their way in this world- it has all the makings of an exciting story. Arbona crafts a very nice introduction to this new chapter in the book of Valiant, and Towe’s artwork is clean and extremely expressive. It is the perfect tone for this book- an all ages, coming of age superhero tale. Valiant is known for its amazing and sometimes dark storylines, which I love. But this is a nice change of pace, and the first issue has me on board for the journey.
Doctor Tomorrow might just be the hero Valiant needs, and the hero comic shops have been clamoring for.
Rating: 9.0 out of 10.
Nolan P. Smith is the Editor and Co-Founder of Pastrami Nation. Being a reporter for the past ten years, he has worked for a variety of media outlets, from newsprint to the ever-evolving internet platform. Residing in Victorville, CA, writing has always been a significant aspect of his life. You can usually find him at comic book conventions, looking for more amazing books to dive into, or at the gym at odd times of the night. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter @nolanpsmith, and Instagram @kakooee.