Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: A Discovery Adventure Review
By Amie Macias
“Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered…”
There isn’t a woman around who hasn’t seen Labyrinth, who can’t recite that passage from memory – or truthfully, any fan of the cult classic that won’t recite back with you the lyrics of Magic Dance. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Well, all I can say is you remind me of the babe. That’s right! The babe with the power! Ringing any bells yet? Whether you hated Jareth’s bulge or fell in love with the Goblin King’s ahem, impressive package, the movie, Labyrinth, has had a cult following ever since it was released back in 1986. So, as the world falls down – let me fangirl out with the rest of you as I jump into the newest piece of untold treasure you’ll want, to add to your collectibles.
BOOM Studios brings back to life in a playful array of fun and enjoyment, Jim Henson’s Labyrinth A Discovery Adventure where everyone’s favorite Goblin King tale has been turned into a children’s Hidden Picture Book.
We follow Sarah, through 28 pages of Jim Henson’s master storytelling (re-lived in the Jim Henson Company) while she tries to retrieve her stolen brother, Toby, and dodges goblins in between making new and cherished friends all while we get to search alongside her, for an array of hidden pictures in the brightly, magic, and colorful pages, thanks to the artwork of both Kate Sherron & Laura Langston. What an excellent way to bring this beloved story to new light, and a unique way for us, long time fans to share it with a new and upcoming generation of littles.
So, be sure to run, don’t walk to your nearest comic book store for this delightful gem.
And always remember – “You’re only allowed to throw your own head.”
Rating: 10 out of 10