X’ed #1 Review: Mind Bending Bliss
Review by Nolan P. Smith
(Victor Valley)—We all have those times in our mind that we would love to forget. Those people who, at some point you cared deeply for, now only bring back a resonating pain when you reminisce. What if you could get rid of those memories permanently? X’ed takes that concept and puts a whole new spin on delving into the human mind.
Written by newcomer Tony Patrick with art by Ayhan Hayrula (Occupy Comics), X’ed #1 shows an organization that can do just that, but in a very unconventional way- that being sending a hitman inside one’s brain to ultimately destroy those unwanted memories. We see a woman needing the memory of her destructive brother wiped from her memories, so we see Colin, a subliminal hitman, make his way into the woman’s mind. What an experience it is.
This book bleeds of creativity: the writing is clever and on point, and the art takes a creative and fresh outlook on the human mind. To see what goes through the mind of this elderly woman is mesmerizing. Colin is this tough as nails hitman, but with a major twist to him. By the end of the issue, I wanted the second issue to already be out already. Black Mask has another original and creative series on its hands, one that reads so smoothly, it feels cinematic.
Rating: 4 out of 5. This is a solid start to what looks to be an adventurous mind trip.