Advance Review: Ether #1
Matt Kindt and David Rubin Concoct Magic with Ether
By Nolan P. Smith
(Victor Valley)– We are proud to bring you an advance review for Dark Horse Comic’s Ether #1. The book will be released November 16th, so make sure to keep an eye out for it. So, how is the latest Dark Horse title?
To get my hands on this before its release date was a dream come true for me. I pre-ordered this as soon as I saw the listing. Matt Kindt is easily one of my favorite writers in comics right now. Add the artistic stylings of David Rubin to the mix, and I was more than ready for this.
Ether focuses on scientists Boone Dias, who can transport himself to a fantastical world known as the Ether. This world is completely different from ours, with creatures and environments that exist only in our dreams. Boone’s love/hate relationship with the massive gatekeeper Glum is extremely entertaining, as the two feed off each other’s comments perfectly. Boone’s reason for visiting the Ether? To prove that there is no such thing as magic, using science to prove or disprove what the Ether would believe is something else.
But something is amiss, this time. Boone is needed to solve a crime that seems impossible. The look and feel of the Ether and everything in it is so alluring, so vibrant. It’s a drastic comparison to the real world for Boone, and quite the shocker of a moment near the end of the book. Kindt, known for his unique and surprising plots, has another twist here that leaves us all wondering what’s real, and what isn’t. Rubin’s artwork reminds me of Paul Pope’s work, as Rubin uses the panels of the page perfectly to craft such unique visuals to match Kindt’s dialogue.
The issue left me wanting more and more. I want to see exactly who Boone is, what his life is like in the real world and the Ether, and what exactly happened with the crime Boone is needed for. Ether #1 is an outstanding debut issue, one that shows boldly the strength of visual storytelling at its finest. Filled with intrigue and mystery, I can’t recommend Ether #1 enough. Make sure to pick it up when it hits the stands November 16th.
Rating: 10 out of 10.
This comic book review was created in conjunction with QBC Toys and More, a local comic book and collectible shop located in Victorville, CA. Featuring new comic books every week, collectibles, action figures, original artwork, and more, QBC has something for the pop culture lover in us all. You can find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/QBCToysandMore/.