Fans Will Worship The Wicked + The Divine, Book One from Image Comics
The Wicked + The Divine Gets a hardcover collection this April from Image Comics
(By Staff Reports)– The New York Times bestselling hit series The Wicked + The Divine by writer Kieron Gillen, artist Jamie McKelvie, and colorist Matthew Wilson will be collected into a stunning deluxe hardcover edition, with must-have bonus material and extensive commentary, available this April.
“I have always had three grand ambitions. To go into Orbit. To fly through the air powered by my own strength. To have a fancy hardback of my comic book series,” said Gillen. “Now one of my goals is complete. I am so proud.”
The Wicked + The Divine is the Eisner-nominated, critically-acclaimed modern fantasy where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods.
The Wicked + The Divine Deluxe Hardcover (ISBN: 978-1-63215-728-7) collects the first two story arcs of the series—issues #1-11, plus commentary and bonus content—and hits comic book stores on Wednesday, April 6th and bookstores on Tuesday, April 12th. It will be available for $44.99.
It can be ordered by retailers from Diamond Book Distributors with Diamond code FEB160652. It can be preordered now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, and Indigo.
Select praise for THE WICKED + THE DIVINE:
“The Wicked and The Divine is super-powers and stardom, with a pinch of American Gods and a dollop of Ziggy Stardust put through a philosophical meat grinder.” —Paste Magazine
“McKelvie and colorist Matthew Wilson create slick, glossy, hyper-real comics.” —Mental Floss
“The Wicked + The Divine is among the strongest Image debuts of recent memory. This book is absolutely worth checking out.” —IGN
“I never thought a comic book would make me feel sorry for Katy Perry. But The Wicked + The Divine generated some real empathy for someone whose music I can’t stand. It’s that damn good.” —Kotaku
“Thoroughly engaging puzzle of a plot, excellent character development and a brutal ability to follow through on promises made.” —Tor.com
“A beautiful conflation of superhero mythos and pop-star worship.” —Flavorwire
“The Wicked + The Divine is the best comic book you’re probably not reading (yet)… For a book inspired by death, it’s incredibly alive.” —Vice
“A stunning book.” —Blastr