Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special #1 Review: Super Friends
Green Lantern and Space Ghost Light Up the Night of Deep Space
By Nolan P. Smith
When you take one of the Justice League’s big seven and one of Hanna-Babera’s most heroic beings, you are bound to get something fun. The Green Lantern/Space Ghost Special is the main book I have been looking forward to from the DC Comics/Hanna-Barbera collaboration. Did this intergalactic team up live up to the iconic names attached to it?
From James Tynion IV and Christopher Sebela with art by Ariel Olivetti, this is soon to be classic tale places the Green Lantern and Space Ghost on a collision course. When a distress call goes out about a powerful weapon, Hal Jordan goes out to an uncharted part of space, which leads him straight into the path of Space Ghost. Assuming each other is the weapon, we get a tussle between the two before they realize what is really going on here.
Team up books can usually go from mediocre to hokey in a split second, but this book goes from good to great by the end of it. The writing is solid, and fits not only the core characters, but their supporting cast as well. However, what shines brightest here is the artwork. I am going to say it: this might be the best looking book of 2017, and we are only a few months in. Olivetti’s style is the perfect fit for these intergalactic space cops, and honestly, Green Lantern and Space Ghost have never looked better.
This is an awesome team up that shows that these types of events can be done extremely well. Green Lantern/Space Ghost is a shining example that more of these team ups should definitely be considered, as long as the quality measures up to the standard set by this issue.
Rating: 9.0 out of 10.
This comic book review was created in conjunction with QBC Toys and More, a local comic book and collectible shop located in Victorville, CA. Featuring new comic books every week, collectibles, action figures, original artwork, and more, QBC has something for the pop culture lover in us all. You can find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/QBCToysandMore/.