Intel Donates $20000 in Cutting Edge Computers to Troops for Operation Supply Drop’s 8-Bit Salute!
By Staff Reports
The “world’s largest multinational semiconductor chip maker” Intel has authorized the building of 30 of their absurdly small and powerful Intel® NUC computers for military gaming charity Operation Supply Drop. The donation will to be sent out as a part of Operation Supply Drop’s end-of-the-year 8-Bit Salute fundraising drive to build video game stuffed care packages for soldiers deployed to combat zones and recovering in military hospitals!
These 30 4 inch-by-4-inch micro computers are being loaded for bear, showcasing donated Kingston RAM upgrades to make them zip along the internet or play games on Steam without breaking a sweat, but are still the perfect size to throw in a rucksack with plenty of room to spare.
“Intel is proud to partner with Operation Supply Drop to provide NUC based PCs to troops overseas and recovering at home,” says Joel Christensen, general manager of the Intel division that created the Intel NUC. We appreciate the sacrifices that these men and women are making and if we can support them by providing some cutting-edge computing to entertain and de-stress, we are happy to do it.
For more information about how you or your organization can get involved in helping out with this year’s “8-Bit Salute” to get video games to the men and women of the Armed Forces, please visit OperationSupplyDrop.org.