Ivar, Timewalker #12 Review- Farewell to History
Review by Nolan P. Smith
(Victor Valley)—Ivar, Timewalker has been one of my favorite titles of the year. The Valiant Entertainment book stars Ivar, a mysterious time traveling, time jumping adventurer who has been alive since the days of the ancients. Think Doctor Who, but an Earthling, and a little more cold blooded. Well, with issue #12, the series draws to an end. But just as many would expect, the last issue goes out in grand fashion.
The story line “Ending History” comes to a close as Ivar, who is not the Ivar we have known since issue #1, yet, is coming to terms with the crazy world around him, filled with the woman he loves, aliens, dinosaurs, his immortal brothers, and more. And no, if you haven’t been reading the series, go back and start with issue #1 first. Trust me, as the finale ties in perfectly to the first issue, and you will most definitely want to do a double take after this issue.
Writer Fred Van Lente (Archer and Armstrong) has crafted a time travel tale like no other- his take on time travel, and the confusing nature of it all, has been expertly depicted with all twelve issues of this series, and really puts an exclamation mark on the whole series here. With “Ending History”, there have been some crazy times, some confusing times, but with this issue, it all comes together and makes sense by the last page. Artist Pere Perez (Quantum and Woody Must Die) illustrates Ivar’s series finale, and does so masterfully. One of the most fun to be had in comics has to be within the Ivar, Timewalker series, and Perez’s work here is a shining example of this.
By the end of the book, as the solicits stated, we do in fact have a new timewalker. Is this person as charismatic as Ivar? Absolutely not. But the last page shows us exactly what this series has always shown: for Ivar, life is not fair- it is one tragic choice after another, as he is literally cursed. This tragic side to the character once again cements Ivar’s place in the Valiant Universe. This was a great send off for the series, and I hope we see more Timewalker action in the near future.
Rating: 4 out of 5.
This review was created in conjunction with QBC Toys and More, a local comic book and collectible shop located in Victorville, CA. Featuring new comic books every week, collectibles, action figures, original artwork, and more, QBC has something for the pop culture lover in us all. You can find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/QBCToysandMore/.