Let’s Kickstart This! Blood Songs by Ben Templesmith
30 Days of Night artist launches Blood Songs, which is about Vikings- Hit that pledge button now
By Nolan P. Smith
It is time once again to shine that light down on another well deserved crowdfunding project via the uber popular Kickstarter website. So, without further delay, I say, let’s kickstart this!
This time, we look at a project from one of my favorite comic book creators: Ben Templesmith. The man responsible for the visual impact of 30 Days of Night, I have spotlighted several projects by Templesmith in the past: Squidder and Dagon. Both books and extras arrived in spectacular fashion and looking fantastic. So when I heard that Blood Songs was up on Kickstarter, I had to back it.
So, what’s it about? Vikings. That should be enough.
But here is the official word from the Kickstarter page(https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/templesmith/blood-songs):
What I hope to be a potential multi volume anthology series of dark ages viking stories, if there’s support and interest from folks like you! Set in a time when kingdoms were won and lost by the sword, when power was measured by how many men would fight and die for you. When the old gods were still followed, before the crusades brought the power of the church to all of Europe.
I’ve been slowly working on these stories on planes as I go to conventions, in airports during delayed flights and really, any downtime I get between my regular comics work over the last 2 years. It’s finally time I tried to put them out into the world!
*This book does contain some language you will hear grownups use in the real world.*
I am thrilled to not only be a backer, but to share this project with the vastness of the internet. Here’s the link one more time: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/templesmith/blood-songs.