Let’s Kickstart This! The Cursed Dead Action Figures
By Nolan P Smith
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025!
Today let’s shine the spotlight on an amazing crowdfunding project, The Cursed Dead.
Here is the info straight from the Kickstarter page:
Toy DNA proudly presents our premiere 1:12 scale toy line (to complement your 6″ action figure collection) – The Cursed Dead – WAVE 1 – a modern reimagining of history’s most infamous monsters.
Vampires, demons, spirits, creatures, and shape-changers. Legendary horror icons all with one thing in common; these unfortunate immortals were born into the darkness, they are… THE CURSED DEAD.
A collaboration of toy industry veterans with over 50 years of combined experience, Toy DNA will be bringing you the high-quality / super-articulated action figure line of your nightmares – sure to haunt your shelves…
The Cursed Dead – WAVE 1 will consist of 9 figures (along with 2 potential STRETCH GOAL ADD-ONS that will be revealed during the campaign). There are 2 price points for the figures in WAVE 1: BASIC figures at $40 and DELUXE figures at $85 – with options to save a few dollars through different Reward bundles!
Our core team of toy industry veterans is led by Phil Ramirez (Sculptor for ToyBiz, Playmates, Jazwares, DC Collectibles, JAKKS Pacfic, etc) alongside Adam Van Wickler (Creative Director at Gentle Giant Studios) and Josh Falcon (Sound Designer for Hasbro, Mattel, Disney, etc). Their combined experience has led to the creation of The Cursed Dead – WAVE 1 prototypes you see here (with some assistance from an all-star squad of our talented colleagues). The prototypes are all fully engineered and factory ready, we just need help funding the manufacturing costs so we can get the final product into your hands!

Help this project come to life by backing today and sharing this article! Back today at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/toydna/the-cursed-dead-1-12-scale-horror-action-figures-wave-1.