Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26 Review
By Daniel Schwartz
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist: Daniele Nicuolo
The epic crossover event “Shattered Grid” continues in Power Rangers #26 from BOOM! Studios. A comic event so big Jason David Frank starred in an online trailer as the fallen Ranger Lord Drakkon.
Warning: Spoilers for issues 25 and 26 below.
Issue 25 (the first in the Shattered Grid storyline) ended with the surprise murder of Tommy Oliver. This would be the non-evil version that everyone knows and loves. This death left fans and readers shocked. On the shows, Tommy has a future that takes place after these events. It will be interesting to see if he will stay dead for long.
Like Jon Snow after he was stabbed, Tommy spends this first issue afterward just kind of being dead. There is a glimmer of hope that Zordon can revive him, but those hopes are dashed by the end of the issue.
With the team reeling from the loss of their friend, Tommy’s evil doppelgänger begins his invasion of the Samurai Ranger’s world. With his giant army behind him, he quickly takes down the outmatched Rangers. As the battle draws to an end, the primary Ranger team (with Jen) show up and attempt to stop the carnage. While they are unable to save the entire Samurai team, they are able to save one and join him to their ranks.
This was a great continuation of a massive story. Drakkon’s invasion feels like a serious threat to all of the Ranger universes and timelines. With how easily he took down the Samurai Rangers, he has shown that he is capable of defeating all of the Rangers. Throw in the new Samurai powers he stole and he just might be unstoppable.
Not only is the story amazing, but the artwork is as well. Daniele Nicuolo puts together some stunning fight and action scenes that jump off the page. Add in Drakkon’s upgraded Samurai armor, and this issue has it all.
Rating: 10 out of 10. Part 2 lives up to the hype of the first issue, and then some. You had better “go-go” to the comic store and pick up this book before it sells out, and it will.