Pastrami Comic Review: Saga #11
Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation
Writer: Brian K. Vaughn
Artist: Fiona Staples
Publisher: Image Comics
In case you haven’t jumped aboard yet (why wouldn’t you???), Saga is Image Comic’s space faring epic about a forbidden love that springs forth a new life, and all the craziness in between. In the last issue, it ended on a jaw dropping cliffhanger, one that left me in total shock. Now, with issue #11, we get hit with more twists and turns than you might imagine.
Writer Brian K. Vaughn jumps right into the past with this issue, as we see Marko and Alana from the early days of their relationship. But the action quickly goes back to more bizarre, pressing matters, as Marko, Alana, their newborn baby, their half ghost baby sitter (when I say half, I mean she is literally half of a person), and Marko’s parents, all aboard a tree spaceship try to escape a planet sized terror and the bounty hunter hot on their trail. Yes, all this, only in the pages of Saga.
The star of this issue is Marko’s dad, Barr. For being a very rough, deadly warrior, Barr has some very interesting powers that help in more ways in one. A father who wasn’t really much of a father, we do see a touching flashback of Marko and his dad, as well as a giant grasshopper, which is always awesome. By the end of this issue, we will see some changes from the previous issue, some more cliffhangers, and the emotional wallop we have come to expect from Saga. Fiona Staples has shown this whole time why she is the woman for this job, and with every issue she makes, the characters and their mannerisms seem realer and realer. Plus, the covers to the books should be made into prints or posters: I’d hang every issue on my wall, they are works of art in themselves, and this issue is no different.
Since last year during WonderCon, which was the week Saga #1 came out, I have been hooked. Now, almost a year later, and this is the book I look forward to the most. Though a very mature title, Saga is something special for the modern age of comics. If you haven’t checked it out yet, then grab the trade and back issues, and get ready to invest yourself in the most amazingly consistent book on the shelves today. Highly recommended, I give Saga #11 a perfect @@@@@ out of FIVE.