Prime Cut Preview-The Victories #1
Dark Horse Comics graciously sent me an advance look at The Victories #1, which hits stores this August. What did I think of it?
I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone, so I will give you some general impressions of how this book is turning out. I can sum it up in one word: amazing. Michael Avon Oeming, the artist behind the mega-popular Powers, creates a world all his own with The Victories. The world is dark and gritty, with a feel that somewhat harkens back to memories of Frank Miller’s Sin City. Of course, with such a dark feel for a book, that usually means the book has some rated R subject matter, which it has plenty of. Be warned, this is no all ages super book; you must be confusing it with Oeming’s Takio, which is fun for readers of any age. This is a dark world with dark heroes and villains to match it, which looks to be the start of greatness once again for Oeming.
Dark Horse seems to have a hit on their hands with this. After reading the advanced preview, I wanted more ASAP. Look for The Victories #1 to hit stores this August. For more information on Dark Horse and their wide arrary of titles, check them out online at www.darkhorsecomics.com.