Schrödinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark Review: A Psychedelic, Feline Fun Time
Review by Nolan P. Smith
(Victor Valley)—One of the best parts about the current generation of games has to be the influx of indie games getting a push into the spotlight. Not every game needs to have authentic looking hair render and innovative mechanics that will change the landscape of gaming forever. No, sometimes we forget that all we need to do in a video game is have fun. Welcome to the simplistic, animated fun known as Schrödinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark.
Named after the thought experiment by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, the game from indie publisher Team17 and indie developer Italic Pig harkens back to the 2D side scrolling goodness we remember from the earlier days of gaming. The platform puzzler lets gamers control Schrödinger’s Cat, a talkative, sly character that feels like he would be at home with the likes of other iconic animal protagonists in gaming like Crash Bandacoot and Sonic.
The story goes that something happened at The Particle Zoo, something that released all the primitive particles that inhabit the zoo, and now they are all loose and running amok. Enter Schrödinger’s Cat, who is brought in to get the situation under control. But he can’t do it alone- luckily he finds a variety of quarks to help. These quarks allow for special abilities, such as flight, crushing rocks, creating a slime enclosure around the cat and so forth. It is utilizing these quarks, and mix and matching abilities to create new ways to make it through the various puzzled landscapes, that makes the game have a feel of its own.
The graphics look amazing- like a cartoon come to life. To see the various stages and characters you interact with is awesome to behold. Kudos to the team for bringing such a vibrant world to life, and making it so enjoyable to navigate through. Of course, for me, I do wish there was a bit more action in it, but that just because I prefer fighting my way through stage after stage.
I really enjoyed my time playing Schrödinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark. It was something new, different, and it kept my attention through and through. The artistic nature of the game pulls you in, and the gameplay makes you stick around for the ride. If you are looking for a great, unique game to download, I recommended downloading this cat to your PS4 or X-Box One. I give Schrödinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark a @@@@ out of FIVE. Whether he’s alive or dead, this cat knows how to traverse a great game.