Sins of the Father Visit Thane in THANOS: A GOD UP THERE LISTENING!
By Staff Reports
In the aftermath of the universe shaking INFINITY event, Thane, Son of Thanos will rise. But will it be as a hero, or a villain? Today, Marvel is pleased to announce THANOS: A GOD UP THERE LISTENING, an all-new 6-part Marvel Infinite Comic series launching this Tuesday 07/01! Fan-favorite creator Rob Williams and artists Paco Diaz, Iban Coello and Neil Edwards explore Thane’s journey following the events of INFINITY.
Under the watchful eye of Thanos’ advisor, the Ebony Maw, Thane has travelled the galaxy in search of answers. Is he truly the son of the Mad Titan? And is he destined to follow in his father’s evil footsteps? The lost biography of Thanos’ black deeds has been uncovered. As Thane begins to explore his father’s legacy, he’ll discover not everything is as it seems. Meanwhile in the past, two titans clash as the cosmic war between Thanos and Ego the Living Planet sends shockwaves across the heavens. As the story of their bloody battle in the cold depths of space is revealed, Thane will learn a devastating secret that will haunt him in the present day!
Can a man fight his own destiny? The time has come where Thane must choose what man he will become. A hero…or a villain?
Designed specifically for mobile devices, Marvel Infinite Comics represent the latest form of comic book storytelling using tablets and smartphones as a new canvas. Set in current continuity, each Marvel Infinite Comic is perfect for new and old readers alike and provides an exciting new reading experience while staying true to the medium’s greatest strengths!
Available right at your fingertips, all six issues of Thanos: A God Up There Listening will be available for purchase this Tuesday, 07/01 on the Marvel Comics app (for iPhone®, iPad®, iPod Touch® & AndroidTM devices) and online in the Marvel Digital Comics Shop!
Pre-Order THANOS: A GOD UP THERE LISTENING now and get all 6 issues as soon when as soon as they’re released!
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