Comikaze Expo 2015 Wrap Up- A Convention for All

By Nolan P. Smith Photographs by MrandMrsSmith, DimSumHottie, Nolan P. Smith and Jason T. Smith (Victor Valley)– This past weekend, thousands of resident from across Southern California and even across other states came together to celebrate their love of pop culture as Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo made true believers out of the attendees that flocked to theĀ  Los Angeles Convention […]

Comikaze Expo 2015- The Stan Lee Museum

By Nolan P. Smith Photos by the Pastrami Nation team (Jason T. Smith, MrandMrsSmith, DimSumHottie and Nolan P. Smith) One of the attractions to this past weekend’s Comikaze Expo was the Stan Lee Museum a space devoted to the father of Marvel Comics, Stan Lee. The museum featured just about anything Stan Lee- from original comic book pages he wrote, […]

Comikaze Expo 2015- The Cosplay- Part 2

By Nolan P. Smith Photos by Nolan P. Smith, Jason T. Smith, MrandMrsSmith and DimSumHottie To continue the cosplay coverage, we are proud to bring you more directly from the Comikaze Expo floor! From a female M. Bison, a peaceful Deadpool, the deadly Foot Clan, Minions, Dr. Strange and more, there was so much to see at the Expo! All […]

Comikaze Expo 2015- Sunday Cosplay-Part 1

By DimSumHottie Photos by MrandMrsSmith and DimSumHottie Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo came to a close on Sunday, but what a way to go out! For the last day of the convention, cosplayers were out in full effect, from Hawkman to Star Wars, to some amazing Dia De Los Muertos inspired cosplay, there was no shortage on cosplay creativity. This is […]