Alex Ross, Jason Shawn Alexander, Francesco Mattina, & Jerome OpeƱa Covers Revealed for Spawn #301

By Staff Reports Image Comics is pleased to reveal a few of the highly anticipated covers for the upcoming record-breaking, history-making SPAWN #301 issue by Todd McFarlane, President at Image Comics and creator of SPAWN. This record-breaking SPAWN #301 hits stores on Wednesday, October 2. SPAWN #301 CVR A MCFARLANE SPAWN #301 CVR B CAPULLO SPAWN #301 CVR C VIRGIN […]

Empty Zone Kicks Off New Story Arc

By Staff Reports Eisner-award nominated artist Jason Shawn Alexander (Abe Sapien: The Drowning, The Escapists), joined by newcomer and co-writer Darragh Savage, will launch a new story arc in the ongoing dystopian series EMPTY ZONE this March. Previously in EMPTY ZONE, Corinne White, ex-soldier and black-market spy, was on a slow spiral to oblivion at the bottom of a bottle […]

The Empty Zone Vol. 1 is a Haunting Cyberpunk Read

By Staff Reports Eisner-award nominated artist Jason Shawn Alexander (Abe Sapien: The Drowning, The Escapists) weaves the unsettling, dystopian saga of Corinne White in THE EMPTY ZONE, VOL. 1: CONVERSATIONS WITH THE DEAD. This collects issues #1-5 into trade paperback and will be available in December. THE EMPTY ZONE, VOL. 1 introduces readers to a bleak future, eighty years after […]