The Weatherman #1 Review: Forecast Calls For Awesomeness
By Nolan P. Smith
I wasn’t prepared for this book. I saw the positive buzz behind it, I knew when it came out, I would check it out to review, but I didn’t know much about it. I thought The Weather Man would be another sci-fi comic book entry, but man was I wrong. The Weather Man is a truly shocking debut that leaves readers wanting more now.
From Jody Leheup, Nathan Fox, Dave Stewart, Steve Wands and Tom Muller, this mature readers book is indeed sci-fi, taking place in a civilization on Mars in the year 2770. Something catastrophic happens, which has created the society we see in this book. Enter Nathan Bright, the weatherman. Full of charisma and charm, and the love for his beloved dog, you can’t help but like Nathan. But things get turned on their heads when a group of armed vigilantes comes gunning for Bright, leaving us with a massive twist ending, and truly shocking events leading to the last page.
Leheup and Fox have created a first issue that left me speechless. Once you read it, I think you will be, too. I am so impressed with this issue, and with so many huge questions left up in the air, it speaks to the creative team to create something so enticing, so intriguing, that it shows a mastery of the comic book artform. I am completely on board for this series, it looks, reads and feels like a sci-fi epic, let’s see what the second issue follows up with.
Rating: 10 out of 10.