Transformers: Unicron #4 Review, The Gang’s All Here!
Cybertron’s fate appears to be sealed. The ravenous destroyer has the Transformers’ home world on his menu as his next entree. Optimus Prime and his rag-tag team of Autobots barely have time to lick their wounds from having just been defeated before they have to make another critical decision that could save or destroy their species, welcome to the fourth issue of Transformers: Unicron from IDW.
Just like the other issues in this series, issue #4 is jam-packed with a great storyline and jaw-dropping action. While the Transformers are dealing with a planet-sized catastrophe, they are not facing it alone. This issue features cameos from their allies G.I. Joe and the Visionaries. It may take everything these partners can muster to take down this monstrous foe and his deadly army.
Writer John Barber continues to craft a high-stakes, action-packed series that constantly ups the ante. It seems that nothing is off of Barber’s table. There is no doubt that the Transformers Universe will be forever changed once the story is complete. With Unicron setting his sights on Earth (after Cybertron), I would not doubt that our planet may even fall to Barber’s unbeatable villain.
Joining John Barber in this exciting series is artist Alex Milne. Milne’s artwork is amazing. Not only do the Transformers look great, but the attention to detail fleshed out every page. IDW picked the perfect artist for this series.
Overall, I am loving this series. It is a knock-down, drag-out fight that the good guys are losing. Can the Transformers save the Earth and all of humanity? I can’t wait to find out.
Rating: 10 out of 10
Daniel Schwartz has been a Pastrami Nation contributor for over 2 years. He is a father of 4 and husband of 1. He is a huge fan of all things Sci-fi and fantasy including Game of Thrones, Star Trek, and the Arrowverse. You can follow him on Instagram at 2 sites, @tvnerddude and @arrowverseweekly.