5 More Questions Raised By The Flash Season Premiere

By Daniel Schwartz
Contributing Guest Reviewer
(California)– Season 2 of The Flash started off with a bang. Literally. With Firestorm exploding in the center of the black hole and Ronnie (apparently) dying in the process, Barry and Team Flash were left reeling as the singularity collapsed above the city.
As a multiverse villain appeared to kill the Scarlett Speedster, and Zoom was revealed as the big bad for the season, fans were left wondering what the new season would have in store for Barry and Team Flash. While fans had several questions going into the new season, the newest episode of The Flash answered some and posed several more.

Why did Harrison Wells / Eobard Thawne help Barry to free his father?
Barry and Team Flash were so happy when Thawne helped to free Henry from prison that none of them stopped to ask why. Eobard Thawne does not strike me as the villain with a heart of gold. If he is helping Barry, it is for his own sinister purpose that has yet to be revealed.
The fact that Wells/Thawne had a contingency plan in case he died shows that he wanted to be sure that his will was done, even after death. He assumed (correctly) that Barry would take the bait and release his father from prison without question. Did he release Henry because he knew Henry would bail on Barry, or is something supposed to happen to him further down the line?
There are several reasons for his release from prison. The most likely is that Thawne was genuine and the writers just wanted a device to write Henry out of the show. Another less likely, but more fascinating theory is that Thawne somehow brainwashed Henry and turned him into Zoom and wanted him free. Either way, it is very unlikely that this plot thread has been fully played out.
Where with Harrison Wells fit into the storyline?
When it was announced that Tom Cavanaugh would be returning to the show as a full time cast member, fans were left wondering how it was possible. In the first season, the real Harrison Wells was killed by Eorbard after which Eobard assumed his form and was subsequently erased from existence.
In the first episode, he is only seen in his video will. If he is being used in this way, it is possible that he will only be seen in flashbacks to explain various plot points throughout the season. He could also return to the team from the multiverse. As Atom Smasher proved, just because someone is dead in one universe, it does not mean they cannot be alive in another. Either way, his appearance will definitely play a big part in the over-arching story of the season.
Why does Zoom want Barry dead?
One thing is for sure, Zoom wants Barry dead. Sending a multiverse supervillain through the speed force to go after The Flash was just the first salvo in what appears to be a season-long assault against the fastest man alive.
The reason he wants Barry dead will obviously be linked to the still unknown identity of the evil speedster. Finding out who he is will go a long way towards determining his motive for wanting to kill The Flash. Is he Eddie Thawne, Harrison Wells, alternate universe Barry, Henry Allen, or Hunter Zolomon (Zoom in the comics)? Whoever the villainous speedster turns out to be, he will probably prove to be more than a match for Team Flash and will require multiple speedsters to defeat.

Will Team Flash use Wells’ secret lair?
Harrison Wells left Barry Star Labs in his will. Not only does he own the building, but everything within as well. This includes the secret lair that Barry discovered where the Reverse Flash kept his suit and his all-knowing program Gideon.
If Barry wants to be a more effective superhero and do everything he can to save the city, he will incorporate Gideon into the mainframe of Star Labs. Having knowledge of the future and advanced technology may be one of the only ways that Barry can stop the looming Zoom.
While the room was not seen in the first episode, it is possible that Barry and Team Flash will wander into the room again before the season is over. At the very least, he will ask Gideon for information on the identity of Zoom and how to defeat him. With that in mind, it will definitely only be a matter of time before we see the secret lair again.

Will Barry visit Jay Garrick’s Universe?
If Jay Garrick can make his way to Barry’s universe, who is to say that Barry cannot follow him back home? In an episode that would be nothing short of epic, Barry could travel through the speed force and arrive in Jay’s universe.
While this alternate Earth may not be the same as it is in the comics (full of post WW2 versions of superheroes), it will more than likely be populated with amazing alternate versions of everyone’s favorite DC characters (Justice Society?).
While a trip to Jay’s version of reality would be an amazing experience for fans, it may just be the first stop on an extended tour of the DC multiverse. Whether the multiverse comes to Barry or he runs to it, fans are in for a wild ride in season 2.