Action Figure Review: Stranger Things- Eddie Munson
By Jason T. Smith
Creative Editor
Everyone on the planet should have seen, or at least heard of, that slightly popular show on Netflix by now. Yes, I’m talking about Stranger Things! The highly successful series that has us in front of our televisions with each new season has a wide array of merchandise from toys to Surfer Boy Pizza shirts, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on an action figure of probably the most loved character in the show thanks to the good folks at Bandai.
Bandai’s newest wave of Stranger Things figures is called The Void Series, and I was able to review none other than fan favorite Eddie Munson in all his plastic glory. Bandai managed to capture Eddie’s likeness nicely, and he has excellent articulation, the kind most action figure collectors look for in figures nowadays. With his denim vest and Hellfire Club shirt, Eddie is ready to rock, and… oh wait, you need a guitar to rock out. That’s my only gripe with this figure. Eddie became an instant hero when he nailed that Metallica song with his, yep, you guessed it, GUITAR!
All in all a great figure, all instruments aside. Bandai’s Void Series Eddie Munson is a must-have for any Stranger Things fan. In fact, if you don’t have this figure, then I begin to wonder if you’re really a fan. Now we need Bandai to make an Eddie armed with that cool spiked trash can lid!

Rating: 4.5 Pastrami Nations out of 5.