Black Hammer-Age of Doom #1 Review: Back to Life, Back to Reality
By Nolan P. Smith
It’s been awhile since we visited the team in the Black Hammer universe, as we have seen the world from Sherlock Frankenstein’s view, and we have seen what the forgotten hero Doctor Star has been struggling with, but what about Abraham Slam? Col. Weird? Golden Gail and the rest? And the new Black Hammer we saw in the last issue? Well, hold on, because here we go into the Age of Doom!
From Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, Dave Stewart and Todd Klein, this is an amazing return for one of my favorite series. We start off with the new Black Hammer, Lucy Weber, the daughter of the original Black Hammer. After grasping the hammer, Lucy knows exactly what happened, why the heroes are stranded in their odd town, and right when she is about to spill the beans, she disappears. But now the team is motivated to find a way out. As for Lucy, she is trapped in the Anteroom, a place filled with monsters and demons, a place where she can’t leave.
With this issue, it looks some problems are on the way to being resolved while new ones are on the horizon. Lemire and Ormston are on fire with the Black Hammer series. The Age of Doom is here, comic fans rejoice!
Rating: 9.5 out of 10.