Black Mask Studios This Week: SPACE RIDERS gets collected, WE CAN NEVER GO HOME ends as X’ED begins
This is a good week for fans of Black Mask Studios- one book is collected, one comes to an end as another crazy adventure begins. First off, Space Riders is being collected! All four issues will be wrapped up with an intro by Book of Life director Jorge R. Gutierrez, a cover gallery, pin ups and more! Just in time for the holidays you say? I agree!
From the galactic core to the outer quadrants, one name strikes terror in the hearts of evil beings everywhere: The Space Riders! Sailing the cosmos in the Skullship Santa Muerte, Capitan Peligro and his fearless crew deal harsh justice to the scum of the galaxy while searching for the hidden truths of the universe! Collecting the four sold out issues of the psychedelic revenge tale from the minds of Alexis Ziritt and Fabian Rangel, Jr!
SPACE RIDERS Volumen Uno: This Vengeful Universe
Artist: Alexis Ziritt
Writer: Fabian Rangel Jr.
Letterer: Ryan Ferrier
PRICE: $12.99
This week marks the debut of the new series, X’ed! What’s X’ed?
Artist: Ayhan Hayarula
Writer: Tony Patrick
Colorist: Doug Garbark
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Cover: Chris Visions

The story of two teenagers, a mixtape, a stolen car, a fully loaded .45, strange abilities, dead drug dealers, and their money. A dark and modern story about getting lost and finding yourself on the backroads of America.
Artists: Josh Hood & Brian Level
Writers: Matthew Rosenberg & Patrick Kindlon
Colorist: Tyler Boss
Letterer: David C. Hopkins
Cover: Michael Walsh