Chopping Block Review: Archer & Armstrong #3
Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation
Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist: Clayton Henry
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment
Website www.valiantcomics.com
Out of all the books Valiant has producing, Archer and Armstrong has been my favorite. Though only having two issues out before this issue, I was immediately hooked by it. The drunken immortal, the fish out of water prodigy, the buddy comedy/action flick we all want to see panel by panel. So, with issue three upon us, does the title keep the momentum going, or is it showing signs of losing steam?
The book includes fighting nuns, fastball specials, and more of the Archer and Armstrong antics that have made the book a hit. And yes, I said fighting nuns.Writer Van Lente keeps the tone light yet suspenseful, as the duo continues to look for the artifacts needed by the Sect for their ultimate weapon. You can’t help but like the out of place Archer and the worn and torn Armstrong, and it looks like things will only get tougher as their story progresses. Henry’s art continues to shine, as the action stays punch drunk happy and makes the most out of every panel.
The book keeps the action rolling, with one of Archer’s sect going fist to fist with the unlikely duo. The action speeds forward to the end of the first arc, which should be HUGE. If you’re looking for a buddy flick in the form of a comic book, then this is for you. Highly recommended, I give Archer and Armstrong #3 a @@@@ out of FIVE.