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First Ever Comic Con Revolution Amazes in Ontario

First Ever Comic Con Revolution Amazes in Ontario

DSC_0315(1)Comic Con Revolution brings pop culture greatness to the heart of the Inland Empire

By Nolan P. Smith

Photos by Nolan P. Smith

On Saturday, May 13th, the Ontario Convention Center was the epicenter for everything pop culture as the first ever Comic Con Revolution was a massive hit with fans from all around.

The inaugural 2017 event boasted a full exhibit hall with over 200 exhibitors including comic creators, new comic dealers, vintage comic dealers, comic publishers, toy & collectibles vendors, crafts, costumes, clothing, cosplayers, fan groups, media stars and more. Booths included Inland Empire comic book publishers Forbidden Panel, the esteemed 501st Legion, among many more. Cosplayers were a massive hit at the convention, with costumes that included heroes from the Marvel and DC Universes, as well as video game characters from the hugely popular game Overwatch.

Overwatch Voice Actor Q & A
Overwatch Voice Actor Q & A

Overwatch was easily one of the main focuses of the convention, with voice actors from the multiplayer video game on hand to not only host a Q & A session with fans in a standing room only, but also to sign autographs for their legions of fans. The convention, though small in comparison to shows like Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Con and the Long Beach Comic Con, had a great variety of booths, easy to navigate layout, and an organized feel to the entire show.

“I think it was great,” said Arturo Garcia Jr. from Victorville. “The best parts for me were meeting Carla PĂ©rez, who played Rita Repulsa on the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV show, the collectibles being sold at vendors around the show and the awesome cosplayers that attended. Also, I liked how it wasn’t as crowded as the San Diego Comic Con.”
DSC_0313Having attended just about every major pop culture convention that has taken place in Southern California, I can say that this convention thoroughly impressed me. I feel that by the time next year rolls around, the convention will most likely double in size, taking over more of the Ontario Convention Center. From the time I arrived to when I left, I did not hear one complaint from among the con goers, and the staff were all very helpful and pleasant.
Whether someone went in search of comic books, collectibles, the chance to meet artists, writers, actors, or simply to experience the convention feel, Comic Con Revolution did not disappoint. Next year’s convention is already set to double in size, as it will take place across two days, May 19th and 20th in 2018. For more information, visit