Image Comics at Rose City Comic Con
Image Brings Creators and Exclusives to Rose City Comic Con
Image Comics is pleased to exhibit for the first time at Rose City Comic Con on Friday, September 8th through Sunday, September 10th. Please note: updates to the schedule may appear online during the show. Please refer to the www.imagecomics.com post for the most up-to-date information.
* Quantities will be limited by customer and per day on a first come, first served basis. Please ask at the Image booth about availability.
- MOTOR CRUSH #6 by Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, and Babs Tarr blank sketch cover
- MAGE #1 by Matt Wagner, cover by Wagner
- THE REALM #1 by Seth M. Peck, Jeremy Haun, Nick Filardi & Thomas Maur
- A.D.: AFTER DEATH hardcover by Scott Snyder & Jeff Lemire, cover by Lemire, $40
- GOD COUNTRY hardcover by Donny Cates & Geoff Shaw, cover by Shaw, $35
- KILL OR BE KILLED, VOL. 1 hardcover by Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips & Elizabeth Breitweiser, $35
- SEVEN TO ETERNITY, VOL. 1 hardcover by Rick Remender & Jerome Opeña, $35
- MONSTRESS, VOL. 2 hardcover by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda, cover by Takeda, $35
* Limited quantity available for sale at the Image booth.
- BLACK SCIENCE statue, $150
Friday, 6:30 pm, Room 6
Decades ago, comics captured the hearts of millions thanks to the creative and never-before-seen adventures on the printed page. Now, the tradition continues, thanks to creators like Steve Lieber (THE FIX), Meredith Finch (ROSE), Valentine de Landro (BITCH PLANET), Kelly Sue DeConnick (BITCH PLANET), and two very special and unexpected guests. Join these creators as they discuss the art of the thrill, and balancing free-wheeling adventure tales against their real life counterparts.
Image Comics: The Future of Storytelling
Saturday, 2:30 pm, Room 6
Image Comics is home to some of the best storytellers in the comics business. The trick isn’t using the same pencil or ink as your hero—it’s thinking about comics in new and exciting ways. Emma Ríos (PRETTY DEADLY), Daniel Warren Johnson (EXTREMITY), Nick Dragotta (EAST OF WEST), Leila del Duca (AFAR), and Matt Wilson (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE) co-create some of the most beautiful comics on the shelves, and are going to give you the most valuable art lesson you’ll get all year.
Image Comics: The Future of Genre
Sunday, 10:30 am, Room 6
The Future of Comics is in stories for everyone. In comics, any genre can be a smash hit or connect with readers. Do you like romance, horror, autobio, action, comedy, slice-of-life, or something else entirely? Greg Rucka (BLACK MAGICK), Michael Lark (LAZARUS), Megan Hutchison (ROCKSTARS), Joe Harris (ROCKSTARS), Brenden Fletcher (MOTOR CRUSH), and Matt Fraction (SEX CRIMINALS) create works that run the gamut and may just capture your heart.
*wristbands will be available for fans to pick as soon as doors open, first come, first served, at the Image booth on the day of the desired ticketed signing.
2-2:45 PM Skottie Young (wristbands req.)
3-3:45 PM Kelly Sue DeConnick & Valentine de Landro (wristbands req.)
4-4:45 PM Surprise Guest Creators
5-5:45 PM Greg Rucka (wristbands req.)
6-6:45 PM Matt Wagner
11-11:45 AM Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr & Cameron Stewart (wristbands req.)
12-12:45 PM Greg Rucka & Michael Lark (wristbands req.)
1-1:45 PM Jim Valentino
2-2:45 PM Matt Wagner
3-3:45 PM Donny Cates (wristbands req.)
4-4:45 PM Kelly Sue DeConnick & Emma Ríos (wristbands req.)
5-5:45 PM Jeremy Haun
12-12:45 PM Matt Fraction & Chip Zdarsky (wristbands req.)
1-1:45 PM Nick Dragotta
2-2:45 PM Doug Wagner
Beem, Morgan II-05
Bivens, John M-05
Brandon, Ivan C-06
Brisson, Ed CC-06
Brown, Garry L-11
Cates, Donny II-10
Dalrymple, Farel AA-02
Davisson, Zack DD-06
DeConnick, Kelly Sue U-09
De Landro, Valentine U-08
Del Duca, Leila 611
Dewey, Benjamin 611
Dragotta, Nick L-07
Finch, Meredith D-07
Fitzpatrick, Kelly Q-12
Fletcher, Brenden U-07
Fraction, Matt U-10
Gibbons, Dave 718
Graham, Brandon AA-02
Harren, James L-03
Harris, Joe F-01
Haun, Jeremy N-06
Humphries, Sam E-02
Hutchison, Megan F-02
Johnson, Daniel Warren L-09
Kaplan, Zack G-07
Keatinge, Joseph AA-01
Ketner, Lukas 611
Lark, Michael B-02
Larsen, Erik E-07
Lenox, Emi T-01
Lieber, Steve 611
Mahfood, Jim R-01
Mooneyham, Chris L-10
Nguyen, Dustin U-01
Parker, Tony N-09
Pitarra, Nick L-08
Ríos, Emma T-12
Roberson, Chris Y-01
Rossmo, Riley L-12
Rucka, Greg B-01
Schirmer, Brian U-05
Sebela, Christopher M-07
Staggs, Cat AA-06
Stewart, Cameron U-06
Strahm, Kyle L-04
Tarr, Babs E-01
Templesmith, Ben BB-01
Wagner, Matt GG-01
Ward, Malachi Y-10
Weaver, Dustin Y-07
Williamson, Joshua II-01
Wilson, Matt U-12
Young, Skottie X-06
Zdarsky, Chip U-11