By Staff Reports
L.A. Comic Con (“LACC”), Los Angeles’ largest event for comics, gaming, sci-fi, anime and pop culture, has announced that L.A. Comic Con 2022 is set for December 2 – 4 2022, with early bird tickets going on sale at noon pacific on Thursday, August 4th. Additionally, L.A. Comic has revealed its first headliners for LACC 2022 including Giancarlo Esposito, Amy Jo Johnson and Tom Kenny! This early bird discount on VIP and 3-Day weekend passes will only be available for a limited time, so fans and prospective attendees are encouraged to take advantage of the deal while it lasts.
L.A. Comic Con 2021 was a nerd triumph despite CV-19, with over 95,000 safe and vaxxed happy attendees — and the L.A. Comic Con team is excited to create another truly memorable experience for everyone to enjoy in 2022. Fans can anticipate the same level of entertainment, community, behind-the-scenes content, contests, and memorable talent they’ve come to expect from the event, including a star-studded speaker lineup, vendor list, and floor shows that will blend the best of the comic world with emerging technologies and experiential entertainment. The 2021 timing – the first weekend in December – worked so well for holiday shopping that the event will now be held in the same window to offer everyone the chance to find the hottest games, collectibles, action figures, art and apparel to satisfy their 2022 gift needs.
“We can’t wait to welcome fans back to L.A. Comic Con for another exciting year!” said Chris DeMoulin, CEO of Comikaze Entertainment, LACC’s parent company. “Despite the unique challenges of 2021, the guests, talent and vendors who came out had an unforgettable show, and our team is committed to bringing fans an even better experience this time around. We’re so happy to be welcoming back some of our fans’ favorite talent. Be on the lookout for more details as we drop hints in the coming months!”
Confirmed guests include Giancarlo Esposito from Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and The Mandalorian; Tom Kenny of SpongeBob SquarePants; and director, filmmaker, actress, Amy Jo Johnson of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Stay in the know by visiting www.comicconla.com and following the event updates on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.