Let's Kickstart This! The Archangel Michael Project- 7 inch Action Figure
By Nolan P. Smith
Here we are, once again with another spotlight with Let’s Kickstart This! Before I get started, I am proud to say that the last two Kickstarter projects we spotlighted, On the Coast of Dreams and Dragon Slayer, were both funded! That’s two awesome, fan funded projects coming soon to this world, all thanks to the fans that support them!
For this spotlight, I shift focus from comic books to action figures with The Archangel Michael Project! This Kickstarter project will make a 7 inch figure of the iconic angel, designed by Rocco Tartamella! Check out some info straight from the Kickstarter page!
Thank you for supporting Rocco Tartamella’s line of Angels and Demons action figures- 1st figure: The Archangel Michael
Inspiration The inspiration for The Archangel Michael Project came when my son had about a week straight of being afraid of the dark and nothing we did to comfort him was working. We tried talking him through it, we gave him a flashlight, we tried several different nightlights but none of these was working. Finally my wife told him to pray to the Archangel Michael for protection. Amazingly, this worked and mommy and daddy were able to get some sleep. However, the next morning he wanted to know all about this amazing archangel he’d learned about. So, I sat him down and showed him images of paintings and statues; I tried to explain his appearance based on scriptural depictions that I found online but he looked confused. As a sculptor, it is often easier for me to communicate through my work rather than to verbalize it, so I went to work. I wanted Michael to look incredible, so he needed to be highly articulated, have generous amounts of detail and of course awesome weapons, armor and wings. As a sculptor, toy designer and a professional with over 15 years experience in the toys and collectibles industry, I really wanted this action figure to rock so I put a lot of time, attention, passion and love for what I do into this project.
Personally, I am really pulling for this project! The figure design looks amazing, and it’s of Michael the Archangel… what more could you want? Check out the Kickstarter page at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1486458683/the-archangel-michael-project-7-inch-action-figure