New Pictures Of Star Wars Episode 7 Characters!
By: MrAndMrsSmith
Here are a few pictures courtesy of Vanity Fair that show some character reveals. It looks like Adam Driver will be playing the sith Kylo Ren. Here you see him backed by a couple of snowtroopers. I am really digging the new costumes so far. I feel they look updated but yet still hold that classic look.
Here is a shot of Oscar Isaac’s character Poe Dameron with his X-Wing!
Here are some of the strange creatures you will see in Episode 7. Just another good example in how the film has gone away from using a mass of cgi for its stranger looking characters. The big guy in the middle looks familiar….
Yet another shot of our villain
Classic shot of veteran and rookie class of 2015! Full article can be seen at http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/05/star-wars-force-awakens-photos