Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – The Official Movie Special: Digging Even Deeper Into the Spider-Verse
By Daniel Schwartz
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a smash hit! Many people believe it is the best Spider-Man movie to date. The fantastic animation, compelling characters, and stunning storyline are a love letter to Spider-Fans that have been searching for a definitive take on the character.
On the heels of the fantastic movie, Titan Comics has released the ultimate companion piece to the film. The Official Movie Special takes an in-depth look at everything Spider-Verse. This exclusive behind-the-scenes guide offers profound insight into the creation of the characters and story from the film’s directors Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman through a fun interview Q and A format.
This companion guide also includes an in-depth look into each character from the film from Spider-Man Noir (Nicholas Cage) to The Kingpin (Liev Schreiber). Each Spider is given several pages to give fans a great look at each version of Spider-Man. Spider-Fans will learn more about their favorite characters than they ever knew before.
Along with a ton of great information, this guide is filled with amazing artwork. This stunning artwork is shown throughout in the form of movie stills and concept art.
As a fan of the Wall Crawler, I have several fan guides to Ol’ Webhead. This one is my favorite! This is a beautiful guide full of stunning art and crammed with tons of fun Spider-Facts. Titan Comics has outdone themselves with this amazing movie guide!
Rating: 10 out of 10
I hope they continue to release these fan guides. Titan Comics does them right!