Supernatural Review- Baby

Review by Kevin Hoskinson
Contributing Guest Reviewer
It’s about time Baby got her own episode!
At least once every other season, there is an episode that doesn’t take itself too seriously. There are times when the writers of Supernatural go off and do something completely out of left field. Much like “The X-Files”, it’s clear that the creative team likes to have fun with the world they have created, and create something that is not so heavy in its own mythology. Although not as interesting as other episodes of this type (“Mystery Spot”, “Yellow Fever” and “The French Mistake”) “Baby” is still a fun departure from the weight the show sometimes takes on.
The episode takes place entirely from the point of view of Baby, the Winchesters ’67 Impala. She is one of the main characters of the show, has been since the beginning. We always see her, we know she is Dean’s baby, but we rarely get a glimpse of what happens when she is in use. On the road, there are deep moments between Sam (Jared Padeleki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) that we never get to see in an average episode. They bond over conversations of what could have been and what is. We see them being brothers; joking around and making fun of each other.
There isn’t too much of the deep mythology, this week being more of a “monster of the week” episode. The boys are on the hunt of a “were-pire” or a “gob-pire”, whatever Dean wants to call it. The creature has been around for centuries, and isn’t just a simple vampire, it shares characteristics with other monsters of lore.
With the exception of a couple short sequences, the Darkness is barely a topic of conversation. The boys learn that they are the only ones that can stop it, and that even the monsters they are hunting are scared of it. There is also the possibility that God might be communicating with Sam through his dreams. But otherwise, it was business as usual for the Winchesters, saving people and hunting things.
Rating: 4 out of 5. It’s nice seeing a different point of view, it felt like being a fly on the wall. You never realize how much of a character an inanimate object can be, and how much stuff it goes through in the process. Seeing the boys having a little bit of fun was great, and it’s something I hope we get to see more of in the future.