Blood Blister #1 Review
AfterShock Comics Releases New Series Blood Blister
By Kevin Hoskinson
Contributing Reviewer
Who is Brand Hull? Well, Brand Hull is a fast talking city lawyer. He has brains, money and a family, but only has time for two of those things, and family isn’t one of them. His current client, petroleum giant WPB, has hired him to take care of some business. If they can’t convince some landowners in Oklahoma that the city is at fault for polluting their water supply, and not them, they are going to go under. This is exactly the kind of work that Brand seems to do best. But there might be another, darker side to Brand, one that he isn’t even aware of.
Part horror story, part character study, the first issue of Blood Blister from AfterShock Comics is an uneven one. The art style was very reminiscent of the old EC horror comics, most notably “Tales from the Crypt,” but the story left a lot to be desired. Brand is the type of character that we see all too often in stories about highly successful people, who also have no real idea what it’s like to have family or friends. They are selfish and self-centered, and there is always a lesson in the end. In this case the lesson isn’t really firmly established, not yet anyways.
For some reason, we love these types of stories. We want to see what happens in the end, and how the selfish, self-centered person changes. Redemption and a lesson learned are what we hope for people like Brand. It’s hard to tell from the first issue what’s going to happen, but I’m hoping for the best. Not just for Brand, but the series as a whole.