Zombie Animals Devour the World in The Other Dead from IDW
By Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation
Check out the press release for The Other Dead, an amazing new book coming out from IDW! By Joshua Ortega (Gears of War) and Digger T . Mesch (Agent 88 and WAY, way more)! It’s available for pre-order RIGHT NOW through Previews, so make sure to check it out!
It’s zombie animals. ‘Nuff said!
Here’s the official press release from IDW:
(San Diego) – As a weary community braces for the onslaught of an incoming superstorm, an even more insidious force grows right under their noses! When a sudden outbreak turns every animal in sight into raging, flesh-craving monsters, a colorful cast of characters will have no choice but to contend with THE OTHER DEAD!
Creators Joshua Ortega (Gears of War, Star Wars Tales), Digger T. Mesch (Agent 88, Founder of Art Asylum), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles creator Kevin Eastman have banded together to tell the tale of a town gripped by an infestation that can only be described as “stronger, faster, deader.”
Written by Ortega based on a film treatment by Digger, with covers by Eastman, interior art by Qing Ping Mui, and colors by Blond, THE OTHER DEAD presents a truly horrifying scenario. When every tier of the animal kingdom, from cats, dogs, and mice to lions, tigers, and bears, are transformed into super-strong, turbo-fast, bloodthirsty zombies, how will mankind survive? When a vicious attack can come at any moment from a fluffy tabby, a sleepy hound dog, or a ten-point buck, how can you stay safe?
“This undead animal collective is a perfect storm,” said Digger. “It’s a chance to work with close friends who also happen to be creative giants on something that’s going to be huge; no brainer. ”
As the infection spreads across six rabid issues, a diverse cast of characters, ranging from a demon-obsessed death metal band to a paranoid survivalist to the President of the United States himself, will try to contend with the most unpredictable zombie outbreak in history!
“I’m incredibly honored to be working with such an amazing and talented team on a book with such a fun and unique premise, said Ortega. “I mean, who wouldn’t want to work with the legendary Kevin Eastman on a story about zombie animals!? It’s an incredibly awesome and over-the-top opportunity, and we’re all having a blast with it. Readers are in for one unforgettable ride, I can promise you that!”
“The Other Dead has not only a savagely compelling story, but also stunningly gorgeous artwork by the amazing Qing Ping Mui with colors by Blond!,” echoed Eastman. “We’re all incredibly excited to get this book out there to readers and fans everywhere!”
This September, IDW urges fans to take shelter at their nearest comic shop, be on the lookout for bite marks, and whatever you do, don’t trust your pets!