Hook Jaw #1 Review: Something to Fear Now

Titan Comics brings sharks to the forefront with Hook Jaw By Jason T. Smith Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, Titan Comics reminds you that it is definitely not. Their debut issue of Hook Jaw takes us on a very scary adventure with some Great White Sharks and the thing they do best” […]

Ninjak #23 Review: Sharpening the Seven Blades

The Seven Blades of Master Darque starts here for Ninjak By Nolan P. Smith After last issue’s spectacular silent set up, the latest Ninjak storyline is here with The Seven Blades of Master Darque. This issue sets up what is bound to be a big showdown between MI-6’s favorite ninja themed agent and the lord of death by putting all […]

God Country #1 Review: Eye of the Storm

The debut issue of God Country brings the rain, thunder and awe By Nolan P. Smith I didn’t know much about Image Comic’s God Country before I pre-ordered: the name and the cover art was enough for me to try at least the first issue. With a title like God Country and a dude with a massive sword walking towards […]