MillarWorld Annual 2017 Review: Brave New Talent
Contributing Reviewer
This week I had the privilege of reading the MillarWorld New Talent Annual 2017. It showcased stories from Kick-ass, Empress, Superior, Nemesis, Super Crooks, and Huck with new artists and writers.
These talented, new artists and writers bring fresh, new life to some of our favorite characters’ stories. Even Mark Millar admits, in the foreword, that he wished some of their ideas were his own.
My favorites out of the bunch? Definitely were Kick-ass and Super Crooks. The spin writer Emma Sayle put on Kick-ass is fresh, and Edgy Ziane’s artwork complimented her script masterfully. Super Crooks was top notch, but come on, who doesn’t love a twisted, but truly romantic love story – thanks, Martin Renard, for feeding that demon for me, but it was truly the artwork, by Robert Carey, which really stood out for me.
Stephanie Crook featuring the natural disasters our nation has suffered, in Huck, it really hit home, maybe a little too close to home. But nonetheless incredibly done. Marcelo Salaza’s artwork on Nemesis was absolutely amazing and life-like for me. I love it when the explosions leap off the pages and just really encompass you!
Now, to be honest, and I don’t hate me, but I don’t normally read Superior or Empress, but the writing of Will McLaren and Simon James for these two books, respectfully, have me intrigued to pick them up!
Make sure you keep an eye out for these new talented geniuses thanks to Millarworld! I cannot wait to see what they will do next, but expectations are high.
Rating: I give it an overall 9.0 out of 10.