Arrow Review- Haunted

Review by Nolan P. Smith (Victor Valley)—This week’s episode of Arrow is one fans have been waiting for, as we saw the small screen return of everyone’s favorite “Master of the Dark Arts”, John Constantine (Matt Ryan). The Constantine television series only lasted one season, despite its huge following, creative writing and likable lead character. But it will take more […]

The Flash Review- The Darkness and the Light

Review by Nolan P. Smith (Victor Valley)—This season of The Flash has brought about a ton of new faces- heroes, villains, supporting characters, and more. This episode, we get a bit of all those with The Darkness and the Light. Another breacher, as Earth-2 metahumans breaking through to our world are called, has made an appearance- Dr. Light (Malese Jow). […]

Let’s Kickstart This! Anima

By Nolan P. Smith We are back once again to shine the massive spotlight called the internet on an outstanding project that needs YOUR help to get funded on the crowdfunding site, Kickstarter. This time, we take a look at a book that visually blew me away at first glance- are you ready for Anima? The amazing graphic novel by […]

Who Is Buried In The Arrow Grave?

By Daniel Schwartz Contributing Guest Reviewer As if one shocking moment at the end of the season premiere was not enough (Quentin Lance working with Damien Darhk), fans were treated to a shocking flash forward as well. Taking place 6 months after the end of the season premiere, Oliver is seen standing over the grave of an unknown person. When […]