4 Kids Walk Into a Bank and comic shops next week
Next Wednesday sees the release of the dramatic-ish second issue of breakout hit 4 KIDS WALK INTO A BANK, brought to you by the number 4 and Black Mask Studios!
Written by: Matthew Rosenberg
Art by: Tyler Boss
Lettered by: Thomas Mauer
In Stores: June 29th
What’s 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank?
Wait, you didn’t see the review right here on Pastrami Nation for the first issue??? Well, here’s the review on issue one to enlighten you: https://pastramination.com/4-kids-walk-bank-1-review/
Here’s how Black Mask describes the book:
“A fun crime caper about children! Eleven-year-old Paige and her weirdo friends have a problem: a gang of ex-cons need her dad’s help on a heist… the problem is those ex-cons are morons. If Paige wants to keep her dad out of trouble, she’s going to have to pull off the heist herself. Like Wes Anderson remaking Reservoir Dogs, 4 KIDS WALK INTO A BANK is a very dark & moderately humorous story about friendship, family, growing up, and grand larceny.”
Not enough for you? More of a visual person? Then check out the cool YouTube video on it!