Action Figure Review: Beastbox Lava
By Jason T. Smith
Creative Editor
While I’ve seen pictures of those fantastic little mecha animals that transform into boxes, hence their name being Beastbox, from toy geniuses 52Toys, I’ve never actually owned one until now. I recently had the opportunity to review the mechanical horse BB-43, known as Beastbox Lava.
Lava comes in a beautifully designed window box that gives us a view of this mecha steed in horse mode, which instantly reminded me of G1 Transformer Dinobots and Predacons, who were also packaged in beast mode. Once I got Lava out of the box and in hand, I could already tell this was a quality toy just from the feel of the premium-grade plastic and the excellent smooth articulation. This horse could be posed in different ways. Then it was time to transform him to box mode, which was simple enough for a 25-step transformation. And he even includes a hard plastic cube to put this cube bot horse into that also connects with other cubes for stacking purposes. A genuinely brilliant design for these little box creatures gave me a real Transformers G1 cassettes vibe, which, if you know me, you know the love I have for those G1 tapes.
All in all, a great figure, Beastbox Lava hits on all cylinders. I will definitely be getting more of these little mecha box beasts. I would love to see 52 Toys give us a combiner team in the future, like their rival to Devastator or Voltron. Thank you, 52 Toys, for creating another awesome transforming toy for me to collect.

Rating: FIVE Pastrami Nations out of FIVE.