Comic Book Review: Origins #1

Comic Book Review: Origins #1

By Rebecca Benson

Ever fascinated by post-apocalyptic stories, the gripping comic book entitled “Origins” from BOOM! Studios certainly falls into that category.

A trio of survivors are focused on finding hope. They’re faced with death, disease, infection, and perhaps, new beginnings. “Origins” is the attempt at starting over; to find what had started it all and how to stop it from continuing. Readers are immersed in a forgotten city. In once busy and thriving New York City were the subways, bridges, and iconic buildings; now, they’re cloaked in overgrown vines and greenery. Our trio must be covered and concealed to hide their identity and to protect themselves from unwanted infections. There is an aura of mystery as readers are unsure of what has happened and to what end their journey to find knowledge will take the group. 

The creative team, comprised of creators Arash Amel, Lee Krieger, and Joseph Oxford; the Script done by Clay McLeod Chapman; Artist Jakub Rebelka; Colorist Patricio Delpeche; Letterer Jim Campbell has told this mesmerizing story of searching for truth and knowledge. The attention to detail is what makes this story fascinating. The team has really captured the feelings of isolation, loss, foreboding, and yet that elusive glimmer of hope. One can’t help but cheer on the trio. This book definitely deserves multiple readings so as to be able to go back and catch particulars that may have been missed with the initial reading. 

For me, I greatly enjoyed and appreciated the subtle details. I urge readers to pay particular attention to the poses of statues, the words on the buildings, and the artifacts and displays at the Museum. There are many allegories and much symbolism at the Museum, where the Search Team has set up their home base. There is a story being told there as well–as one of the characters aptly foreshadows, “Your past is your future.” I hope to find out more answers throughout this series! 

Rating: FOUR Pastrami Nations out of FIVE

Pastrami Nations

Rebecca Benson currently resides in the mountains of California. A mother of one daughter, she has a love for pop culture, with a knack for Disney, Harry Potter, and is currently an educator for the hearing impaired. An avid reader, she jumped deeper into the world of comic books in 2020, with her interest piqued in the independent scene.

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