Comic Book Review: Unborn #1
By Nolan P Smith
Unborn is a surprise, to be sure. From Source Point Press, the book is created by Frank Gogol, of Dead End Kids and Power Rangers fame. Given the writer’s love for the Power Rangers and the cover artwork, one might think the colorful Rangers inspired Unborn. Design-wise, I would say so. Mix Power Rangers with Alien and you have Unborn, and what a combination it is.
With art by Ev Cantada, letters by Sean Rinehart, and outstanding covers by Maan House, Simone Ragazzoni, Ivan Tao, and more, this book is a thriller from the get-go. We start with death as a means to bring life, and that theme is present throughout this issue. The story is about a space-faring team on an interplanetary exploration that hadn’t yielded much as of yet. We get perspectives from the different crew members, giving us some context and backstory. The crew has spacesuits that have a Power Ranger flare, complete with special weapons specific to each. Things go south with a species attacks, forcing the crew back to their ship and back home, but a ride home is never just a ride home.
Gogol, for me anyway, is known for his strong, diverse characters, and Unborn is no different. We have the couple hiding a secret, but a secret overshadowed by Marco. The mission logs help flesh out each of the characters, showing their frustrations and intentions. All of it builds to a hell of a cliffhanger, which leaves the team’s future uncertain.
The book is beautifully illustrated, from the armor to the characters to the alien life forms and more. I love the way the layouts read and how eye-catching the colors of this book are. The facial expressions, another vital factor in a Gogol book, are spot on.
Unborn surprised me, and in a good way. I didn’t know what to expect, but what I got was a sci-fi thriller that takes no prisoners. Gogol and his team have created a fantastic start to this fantastic voyage, and I want to see if the team can make it back home in one piece. Pick this one up; it’s outstanding.
Rating: 4.0 Pastrami Nations out of 5.

Nolan P. Smith is the Editor in Chief and Co-Founder of Pastrami Nation. He has worked for various media outlets for the past ten years, from newsprint to the ever-evolving internet platform. Residing in Victorville, CA, writing has always been a significant aspect of his life. A reporter, teacher, public relations specialist, and more, he takes the most joy out of covering the world of pop culture. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @pastramination.