Custom Gears of War Helmet Giveaway from Pastrami Nation!!!
Pastrami Nation is giving away this full size, unpainted, Fiberglassed, wearable Ben Carmine helmet from Gears of War by Pastrami Nation’s own Jason R. Smith! Just like us on Facebook and stop by and leave a comment. As soon as we get to 500 likes on Facebook it will be given away! So click, share and let’s get to 500!!! #pastramination #gearsofwar #giveaways
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Ah rats! I thought it was going to be made of pastrami. 🙂
Awesome, need to have this in my collection. I made an Odst helmet and making Boba Fetts Helmet at the moment.
This is awesome!
How would you make the visor part a moving piece? Just curious.
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Lets get to 500!