Let’s Kickstart This! The Squidder By Ben Templesmith and 44FLOOD
By Nolan P. Smith
Pastrami Nation
(Victorville)– It’s time once again for Let’s Kickstart This! With this section, we like to spotlight amazing projects on the crowd funding website Kickstarter, all just waiting for your support. This week, the spotlight falls to a book by a man named Ben Templesmith.
Does that name sound familiar? It should. He is the artist behind the mega successful 30 Days of Night, Gentleman Corpse and more. Well, after five years, he is back with a new creator owned book, The Squidder. Here’s some info straight from the Kickstarter page:
THE SQUIDDER is an original graphic novel about an old soldier from a forgotten war in a post-apocalyptic world that has left him behind. The book promises heavy horror, fantasy, and Lovecraftian elements, as well as black humor.
THE SQUIDDER will be a limited run 8.5×12″ 108 page hardcover graphic novel written and drawn by Ben Templesmith, New York Times best selling comic book artist (creator/co-creator of 30 DAYS OF NIGHT with Steve Niles, FELL with Warren Ellis, WORMWOOD: GENTLEMAN CORPSE, and WELCOME TO HOXFORD) in his first new creator-owned traditional comic in five years!
I’ve been a fan of Templesmith for a long time now (I even have the oddest Captain America sketch by him, which he did at a convention a few years back.) I’m back this, no doubt about it. Are you? Here’s the link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/44flood/the-squidder
ALSO, make sure to watch the video and see what he says about the comic book medium. I cannot agree with this man more, he hit the nail on the head.