Video Games

Rare Replay Brings 30 Games for 30 Dollars to the X-Box One
By Nolan P. Smith
Another big announcement for X-Box fans to come out of E3 so far has to be the Rare Replay.
The collection, which brings together 30 of Rare’s titles throughout history, hits stores August 4th for the bargain price of 30 bucks. That’s a buck a game! I am a huge fan of Rare’s titles, and even though Goldeneye and Donkey Kong Country aren’t present, there are plenty of titles worth the purchase.
Titles include Perfect Dark Zero, Banjo- Kazooie, Killer Instinct Gold, and my favorite out of the group, Battletoads! Check out all the titles below, and go pre-order it today! (I recommend GameStop, I’ve pre-ordered from them since the days of the Gamecube and haven’t stopped yet.)
Nolan Smith
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