Chopping Block Review: Beasts of Burden-Neighborhood Watch

Review by Nolan P. Smith Writer: Evan Dorkin Artist: Jill Thompson Release Date: August 1st, 2012 Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: Back in 2005, Beasts of Burden took home a prestigious Will Eisner Industry Award for Best Short Story. In 2010, it received another for Best Publication for Teens. If you are reading this and still have no clue […]

Chopping Block Review-Axe Cop: President of the World #1

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation Writer: Malachai Nicolle Artist: Ethan Nicolle Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: I first heard about Axe Cop in late 2010, and wow, was I blown away. Created by brothers Malachai and Ethan Nicolle, the book did something I had never seen: it put a child in the writer’s chair. You see, Malachai was […]

Prime Cut Review: Orchid Volume 1

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation. Writer: Tom Morello Artist: Scott Hepburn Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: July 11th, 2012 Website: Rock stars writing comic books: it sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? I mean, what kind of story could a rock star really write? Will it be about guitars and the good life? Well, when you […]

Prime Cut Review Flashback: 2012 Eisner Award Winner-Green River Killer: A True Detective Story

By Nolan P. Smith Writer: Jeff Jensen Artist: Jonathan Case Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: It’s no secret that the medium of comic books and their often-collected counterparts, graphic novels, can be used to tell any story in any genre. Superheroes are of course the most well known of tales that the genre has, but look at the success […]

SDCC 2012: Dark Horse Comics-To Hell You Ride!

Dark Horse never fails to amaze me. At SDCC, they announced quite a few projects, one being Millennium star Lance Henriksen’s To Hell You Ride! Check out the press release below, and make sure to visit Dark Horse online for more info by going HERE. #SDCC: DARK HORSE DEBUTS LANCE HENRIKSEN’S TO HELL YOU RIDE! July 16, SAN DIEGO, CA—Dark […]

SDCC 2012: The Return of Hellboy

Death only lasts for so long in comics. It’s only in the a.m, and the SDCC news is already rolling in. Our friends over at Dark Horse sent along the image above, announcing the return of Hellboy. Hellboy died last year, with teasers all pointing to Hellboy going to hell…looks like that’s the plan! Make sure to subscribe to Pastrami […]

Prime Cut Preview-The Victories #1

Dark Horse Comics graciously sent me an advance look at The Victories #1, which hits stores this August. What did I think of it? I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone, so I will give you some general impressions of how this book is turning out. I can sum it up in one word: amazing. Michael Avon Oeming, the artist […]