A Graphic Novel Review: Scales & Scoundrels Book 2: The Festival of Life

A Graphic Novel Review: Scales & Scoundrels Book 2: The Festival of Life

By Rebecca Benson

TKO Studios has offered comic book readers a beautifully crafted continuation of Luvander’s journey. A journey that brings forth danger, heartache, hope, self-discovery, and friendship. Oh, and let’s not leave out dragons! Scales & Scoundrels flows from Book One to Two incredibly well. With much goings-on but I will try my best to recap without giving away too much.

We are introduced to Luvander, a spunky youth who struggles with finding her place in the world (she is a dragon, after all). She can work her way out of any situation. And because of that, she often finds herself in trouble. Along with her fellow treasure seekers, Prince Akisbjorne, Bodyguard Koro, and Dorma, she seeks what has been buried, struggling to find truth and freedom. And right on their heels is the Houndmaster, wanting to see an end to Luvander and her gang. We see that Dorma must bravely face the ghosts of her past–and her family’s acceptance? Luvander’s quest sends her right into Prince Akisbjorne–or Prince Aki’s–encampment. There, she and Prince Aki are thrown into a mystery involving a precious treasure, one that must be found quickly–but at what cost? The Wheel must be balanced once again. All the while, the Festival must play out as it has for Prince Aki’s ancestors. All the while, the Houndmaster pursues Luvander, engaged in her perilous story. And now, I leave it up to the readers to discover how it all plays out!

The creative team have really outdone themselves! Sebastian Girner (W), Galaad (A), and Jeff Powell (L) are a phenomenal crew! Let me have the honor of saying how much I have enjoyed this collection! The plots, the character developments, how everything is so intricately and sensationally weaved into this saga! Girner effortlessly ties in various customs and cultures set long ago. And Galadd is the perfect artist for the undertaking! The scenery draws you in further into the tale. It felt like a movie: from the plot to the art and character interactions that were enveloping with Powell showing off his lettering skills! I love how folklore was tapped into, but also how themes of family bonds, ties to heritage, and common strongholds that plague us today have made their way into Scales & Scoundrels, Book 2. I am thrilled to say that there is nothing unpleasant in this graphic novel. It is truly a wonderful read, and I am excited to be able to review it and pass it on! Truly, do yourself a favor and dive into this stellar series!

Rating: FIVE Pastrami Nation’s out of FIVE

Pastrami Nations five

Rebecca Benson currently resides in the mountains of California. A mother of one daughter, she has a love for pop culture, with a knack for Disney, all things books, and is currently an educator for the deaf and hard of hearing. An avid reader, she jumped deeper into the world of comic books in 2020, with her interest piqued in the independent scene.

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