Novel Review: The Summer of Lost and Found

Novel Review: The Summer of Lost and Found

By Rebecca Benson

Very recent events are chronicled in Mary Alice Monroe’s latest installment of the Beach House Saga, “The Summer of Lost and Found.” This particular novel continues the legacy of the Rutledge family, in which the family tree is deeply rooted in Charleston, South Carolina. Our story, however, takes place on the Isle of Palms. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, friends and family must decide how they react to the new restrictions and the foreignness of the disease. Will the virus continue to wreak havoc on their relationships and careers? Will family members be able to reconcile with one another? What–or whom– will our lead character Linnea, choose to follow? “Lost and Found” offers hope, love, and loss in an already new and unknown territory. 

I was first intrigued by this novel because it fully captured the entire scope of the Novel Corona Virus or COVID-19. With it affecting so many lives, many readers will connect personal experiences to this lovely novel. It is a light yet refreshing read. On a side note, it is advisable for readers who are new to this series to start at Book One. However, it is not necessary. (One is not missing out if a reader decides to start with this book.) As aforementioned, this story hits home. The characters are just as lost as the world was, looking for answers and making the best of a dreadful situation. Monroe was able to weave metaphors into her work, which allowed her creativity to come alive from the written word. No spoilers here, but I also appreciate the ingenuity her characters utilized to bring together one of the most aspects of today’s time: family. 

With the release date nearing Summer, you don’t want to miss out on this narrative by a beloved author!

Rating: FOUR Pastrami Nations out of FIVE 

Pastrami Nations

Rebecca Benson currently resides in the mountains of California. A mother of one daughter, she has a love for pop culture, with a knack for Disney, Harry Potter, and is currently an educator for the hearing impaired. An avid reader, she jumped deeper into the world of comic books in 2020, with her interest piqued in the independent scene.

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