UDON Announces Alien Visions Art Book

UDON and a veritable Xenomorphs’ hive top professional artists collaborate for the all-new ALIEN VISIONS! (By Staff Reports)– Today is the inaugural ALIEN DAY (#AlienDay426), and UDON is celebrating by revealing our most terrifying creative collaboration yet – ALIEN VISIONS! (#UDONAlienVisions) The ALIEN VISIONS project is an artistic tribute to the one of the most iconic and enduring science fiction […]

Star Wars: Poe Dameron #1 Review

Poe Dameron #1 takes us on a journey before The Force Awakens with everyone’s favorite X-Wing pilot By Nolan P. Smith (Victor Valley)—In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, one of the breakout characters has to be Poe Dameron. The hotshot X-Wing pilot and member of the Resistance instantly became a fan favorite. Now, thanks to Marvel Comics, Poe has his […]