Chopping Block Review: Trigun Maximum Omnibus Volume 1

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation Writer: Yasuhiro Nightow Artist: Yasuhiro Nightow Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: He’s the most feared person on the planet Gunsmoke. He blasted a hole through the moon, and he leaves a path of destruction wherever he goes. He has a bounty of $$60 Billion Double Dollars. He is the Humanoid Typhoon, Vash the […]

Chopping Block Review: Grendel Omnibus Volume 2

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation Writer: Matt Wagner, Diana Schutz Artists: Matt Wagner, Tim Sale, Arnold and Jacob Pander, and Bernie Mireault Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: December 2012 Website: FOR MATURE READERS In the first omnibus for Grendel, which I reviewed here on Pastrami Nation, we read about Hunter Rose, the original Grendel. A cold, calculating […]

Matt Wagner Endoreses The Black Beetle

Matt Wagner, the legendary comic book creator, has spoke his praise regarding Francesco Francavilla’s The Black Beetle, which hits stores in January. For those that don’t know, Wagner is responsible for two of my favorite comic properties: Grendel and Mage, so his praise carries a lot of weight! If you have never read a Wagner book, do yourself a favor […]

Help Kickstart the Axe Cop Documentary!

Axe Cop! One of the most original comic books in recent memory has to be Axe Cop. The Dark Horse Comic’s series was created by artist Ethan Nicolle and his then 5 year old brother Malachai back in 2009…and it has been a runaway success ever since. Set to be a FOX animated project in the summer of 2013, the […]

Chopping Block Review: Orchid Volume 2

Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation Writer: Tom Morello Artist: Scott Hepburn Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: FOR MATURE READERS Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of reviewing Orchid Volume 1, which was a blast of originality. Tom Morello, from the mega popular rock group Rage Against the Machine, created a world of distain, of misery, but […]

Chopping Block Review: The Strain Volume 1

Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation Writer: David Lapham Artist: Mike Huddleston Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: FOR MATURE READERS Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan’s critically acclaimed novel, The Strain, was an instant hit. It was the first in a trilogy of books depicting one of life’s biggest supernatural fears: vampires. Not the sparkling vampires seen in […]

Only 44 Hours to Go Fund The Goon Movie on Kickstarter!

Time is ticking away! Only 44 hours to go to help support the first steps in making The Goon movie a reality. The Kickstarter project stats currently sit at: Backers: 6,663 Amount Pledged: $397,398 Goal needed to be funded: $400,000 So roughly around $4,000 to go! This project’ support has been phenomenal, as it looks likes people really do […]

Chopping Block Review: 47 Ronin #1

Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation Writer: Mike Richardson Artist: Stan Sakai Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: Stories are one of the greatest things to be passed on by humanity, generation to generation. One of the greatest stories is the legendary tale of the 47 Ronin as they avenge the demise of their disgraced master. It’s one of […]

Chopping Block Review: Colder #1

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation Writer: Paul Tobin Artist: Juan Ferreyra Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: Don’t let the cover scare you away: Colder, at least this first issue, isn’t a spill your guts, blood to the gills book, but it is definitely a horror book. The latest in a strong of original horror books from Dark Horse, […]

Chopping Block Review: The Victories #3

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation Writer: Michael Avon Oeming Artist: Michael Avon Oeming Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: I have been saying it all year: Michael Avon Oeming’s The Victories was going to be HUGE! I mean, look at what Oeming has done already: Powers, Hammer of the Gods, Bastard Samurai to name only a few (all of […]

Chopping Block: Ex- Sanguine #1

It’s that time of the year: Halloween time. Where horror runs rampant, scares are around every corner, and blood runs through your nightmares. Not to anyone’s surprise, we see many horror and thriller projects pop up just in time for the scares, and why not? It’s smart marketing, but is also means we get a trove of Halloween themed stories […]

Help Fund The Goon Film on Kickstarter!!!

This has got to happen! Blur Studios has a Kickstarter project that brings them one stop closer to creating a CGI animated film of Eric Powell’s The Goon. Produced by Dark Horse Comics, The Goon is a violent, non stop slugfest with zombies, voodoo and slapstick humor. Check out their Kickstarter page at and help make this a reality!!! […]

Chopping Block Review: Grendel Omnibus Volume 1- Hunter Rose

Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation Writer: Matt Wagner Artists: Matt Wagner, Tim Sale, David Mack, Duncan Fegredo, Mike Allred, Guy Davis, Teddy Kristiansen, Ashley Wood, Mike Huddleston and Dean Motter Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: July 2012 Website: FOR MATURE READERS Thirty years ago, a single man shook the world of comics: a solitary man donned […]

NYCC 2012: Emily the Strange Returns

Dark Horse is on fire at NYCC! Check out the press release on the info of the return of fan favorite Emily the Strange! Soon to be a big screen film, Emily is already a pop culture icon, so the full color return of her is pretty huge! EMILY THE STRANGE RETURNS— IN FULL COLOR AND IN YOUR FACE! October […]

Francesco Francavilla's The Black Beetle Returns in December

Who doesn’t love a good pulp hero? Dark Horse Comics announced today that Francesco Francavilla’s The Black Beetle is returning this December with a #0 issue, followed by January’s #1. The stories in the zero issue originally appeared in Dark Horse Presents, a monthly anthology book that showcases some downright amazing works. I have been very impressed with Francavilla’s work, […]

Chopping Block Review: The Victories #1

Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation Writer: Michael Avon Oeming Artist: Michael Avon Oeming Release Date: August 15th, 2012 Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: Michael Avon Oeming is one those comic book creators that grabs your attention right from the get go. I own much of his works, from his crazy popular Powers, the bloodier than hell Bastard […]

Dark Horse Horror: Gets Under Your Skin

Yes, under our skin indeed! Our friends over at Dark Horse Comics sent two very cool, very interesting images out this week, so I wanted to share them with you. Dark Horse publishes a variety of genres: from action, sci-fi, horror, comedy, superheroes, you name it, they make it. Check out what Dark Horse has to offer at

Oeming's The Victories Trailer!

Who doesn’t love a good anti-hero? Check out the trailer for Michael Avon Oeming’s (of Powers fame) The Victories, which hits stores August 15th from Dark Horse Comics. I have been hyped up for this one from the very start, and the cover art was actually one of the FIRST posts I did here on Pastrami Nation. I was lucky […]