Chopping Block Review: Uncanny Avengers #1

Now that Avengers Vs X-Men is in the record books, Marvel Now is here. The first series to come out the gate is the Uncanny Avengers, a book that boasts a half X-Men/ half Avengers roster. Now, the idea is kind of out there, but seeing one name as the writer put my fears at ease: Rick Remender. Along with […]

Chopping Block Review: Batman #13

The New 52 hasn’t been a really big hit with me, I want to be honest with that right at the beginning. I was picking up Justice League, Aquaman, Batman, Green Lantern, and so on at the beginning. Soon, that changed to only picking up Batman and Animal Man, and eventually I ended up dropping all my DC titles. Yet, […]

Chopping Block Review: Grendel Omnibus Volume 1- Hunter Rose

Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation Writer: Matt Wagner Artists: Matt Wagner, Tim Sale, David Mack, Duncan Fegredo, Mike Allred, Guy Davis, Teddy Kristiansen, Ashley Wood, Mike Huddleston and Dean Motter Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: July 2012 Website: FOR MATURE READERS Thirty years ago, a single man shook the world of comics: a solitary man donned […]

Chopping Block Review: Archer & Armstrong #3

Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Clayton Henry Publisher: Valiant Entertainment Website Out of all the books Valiant has producing, Archer and Armstrong has been my favorite. Though only having two issues out before this issue, I was immediately hooked by it. The drunken immortal, the fish out of water prodigy, the buddy […]

Chopping Block Review: Batman #0 (2012)

Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo Publisher: DC Comics Website: Out of the big seven in regards to the New 52 relaunch, Batman stayed the most familiar. Sure, his costume changed a tad bit, but it was Bruce Wayne under the mask once again with his son Damien as Robin. The Batman title has been on fire as of […]

Chopping Block Review: Animal Man #0

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Steve Pugh Publisher: DC Comics Website: When the new 52 hit last year for DC Comics, there were two titles I was excited for the most: Aquaman and Animal Man. Now, you might be thinking: Animal Man? Why not Superman, or Batman, or Justice League? Well, because an Animal […]

Chopping Block Review: ParaNorman

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation I have seen trailers for ParaNorman since last year. When I saw the first one, which had a very odd song choice for the trailer and nothing to really grab the audience, I thought it was an easy pass. Then, the more I saw of the film, including the giant witch head in the […]

Chopping Block Review: Archer and Armstrong #1

Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Clayton Henry Publisher: Valiant Entertainment Website: The summer of Valiant brought back four classic Valiant properties: X-O Manowar, Harbinger, Bloodshot and Archer & Armstrong. Now, I was familiar with three of those titles, but I have never read Archer and Armstrong. When I heard about the relaunch, […]

Chopping Block Review: The Victories #1

Review by Nolan P. Smith- Pastrami Nation Writer: Michael Avon Oeming Artist: Michael Avon Oeming Release Date: August 15th, 2012 Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: Michael Avon Oeming is one those comic book creators that grabs your attention right from the get go. I own much of his works, from his crazy popular Powers, the bloodier than hell Bastard […]

Chopping Block Review: It Girl and the Atomics #1

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation Writer: Jamie S. Rich Artist: Mike Norton Release Date: August 8th, 2012 Publisher: Image Comics Website: Mike Allred’s Madman is an independent staple in the comic industry. The zany world of Frank Einstein is one of the most original, colorful worlds seen on the four-color page. The Atomics are a part of this […]

Chopping Block Review: Beasts of Burden-Neighborhood Watch

Review by Nolan P. Smith Writer: Evan Dorkin Artist: Jill Thompson Release Date: August 1st, 2012 Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: Back in 2005, Beasts of Burden took home a prestigious Will Eisner Industry Award for Best Short Story. In 2010, it received another for Best Publication for Teens. If you are reading this and still have no clue […]

Chopping Block Review-Axe Cop: President of the World #1

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation Writer: Malachai Nicolle Artist: Ethan Nicolle Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Website: I first heard about Axe Cop in late 2010, and wow, was I blown away. Created by brothers Malachai and Ethan Nicolle, the book did something I had never seen: it put a child in the writer’s chair. You see, Malachai was […]

Chopping Block Review- Chew: Secret Agent Poyo #1

Review by Nolan P. Smith-Pastrami Nation Writer: John Layman Artist: Rob Guillory Publisher: Image Comics Website: FOR MATURE READERS A death defying, tough as nails, secret agent rooster; if that premise doesn’t scream about the originality in comics, then I don’t know what does. Spinning out of one of Image Comic’s critically acclaimed titles, Chew, we now get a […]